

大财经2023-03-23 06:35:503


2. though conj. 虽然;纵然;即使;尽管 = although

49.Not all people enjoy those______(song).

23.A.dangerous B.comfortable

Though he was poor,but he was happy.(误)

C.this D.that


A.cheapest B.cheap

in the city 在城市, in the country在乡村;在农村。City/country 前加定冠词the。

A.strong B.strongest

C.Good morning. D.Happy New Year!

—I think______.

A.(1)(3)(2)(4) B.(3)(1)(4)(2)

25.A.visit B.see 


Last week we did a survey of the readers about good places in our city.And this is what we learned.Most of the high schools are good,and the No.10 High School is the best in our city.It has the best teachers and it's the most beautiful school.People's Hospital is the best of all the hospitals.It has the most comfortable beds and the friendliest service.Modern Cinema is the best of all the movie theaters.It has the biggest screens.The best clothing store in our city is Xiwang Clothing Store.It has the best quality and it's the most popular store.As for radio station,most young people think Hefei 168 FM is the best.It has much news and the most interesting music.

Finally,at midnight it is the first day of the First Moon.People close the shops and the streets are empty.Everyone locks the doors and stays at home.

3.It's the closest to home. 它离家最近。

A.a few days B.twelve days

It is an important time for the family.The younger people bow(鞠躬) to the older people.The Chinese call this KeTou.This means "to touch the ground with the forehead".Then the younger people wish the older people a happy New Year.The older people give children gifts of money inside envelopes.The family then go to sleep.

A.very interesting B.most interesting

Though it was raining,he went there.

We Want the Best!

C.either D.neither

A.acted B.action

47.When people watch the show,they usually play a role in ______(decide) the winner.

22.A.too B.also 



—Of course,the moon is.

42.Let's go out to breathe f______ air.

16.A.funny B.fun

A.Because it has the best clothing.

"Good."The manager took several boxes of sweets out of his desk."Last week I bought a thousand boxes of sweets.If you can sell them all before the end of the week,you can have the job,"said the manager.

2. It has the most comfortable seats. 它有最舒适的座位。

B.It has the worst music.


13.Zhang Ming was catching up fast,too,but______.

though adv.. 不过,可是,然而,常用于句末,用逗号隔开。

10.Canada is the second ______country in area in the world.

例如: beautiful-beautifully,cheap-cheaply,careful-carefully等。

I was doing my homework when the earthquake started last night .I could feel the shaking of the whole building. Some books in my study fell to the floor from the bookcase. At the same time ,I heard a man shouting ,"Earthquake. Earthquake." I quickly went into my parents' bedroom and woke them up .And then we went downstairs in a hurry together. Luckily, the earthquake was not strong enough. After the earthquake was over, the building was still there, and everyone in the building was still alive.

C.large D.largest

50.You can sit ______(comfortable) here and relax.

45.He goes to the t______ to enjoy Beijing Opera once a week.

(3)John read an advertisement in a newspaper.

3.How do you like it so far? 到目前为止你认为它怎么样?


7.______ good at something,but some people are talented.

10.However, and everybody enjoys watching these shows.然而,并不是所有的人都喜欢看这些节目。

2.The DJs choose songs the most carefully. 那些音乐节目主持人们选择歌曲最细致。

You can sit the most comfortably because they have the biggest seats.因为它们有最大的座位所以你可以坐得最舒服。

1. What's the best clothes store in town?城里最好的的服装店是哪家?

C.the best D.the better

And what video game is the best today?Well everyone agrees it is Viper Boy.It has the best graphics(图画),the most realistic(栩栩如生)sound and the most interesting story.

C.What's the best clothing store?

33.Choose the right order of the story ______.

14.Who did best of ______?

C.he wasn't a good salesman


C.he sent the manager a thousand boxes of sweets 

41.Some people are talented and c______.

C.nose D.mouth

8. All these shows have one thing in common. 所有这些节目有一个共同之处。

D.he bought a thousand boxes of sweets from the manager

B.he was the best salesman in the world

In the morning,people dress in their best clothes.Some people stay at home,others go out to pay a New Year Call.They are very polite and do not use bad words.It's the most important day of the year.


I think Miller's is the best.我觉得米勒的服装店是最好的。


"That's easy,"John said.He took the boxes of sweets and left the office.


点拨1:close 在此句中为形容词,意为"近的,接近的",既可指时间,也可以指空间上的。closest 为形容词 close的最高级形式。其反义词为far, 近义词为near。在表达"离……近"时用(be)close to 结构。例如: The post office is close to the park. 邮局离公园近。 He sat close to us. 他挨着我们坐。

6.Everyone is good at something. 每个人都各有所长。

Anyway,there are lots of things to do and to see here.Come for a __25__ soon!


C.newest D.the newest

此句中 Miller's 是名词所有格的形式,表示场所、店铺等意义。例如:the barber's 理发店;the doctor's 诊所;my uncle's 我叔叔家。

A.Good luck! B.Best wishes!

C.reading D.shopping

A.ear B.forehead

② close还是一个动词,意为"关;关闭"。其反义词为open。例如: Please close the windows before leaving. 离开前请将窗户关上。 Don't close your eyes, please. 请不要闭上眼睛。

We all laughed at his joke. 听了他的笑话我们都笑起来。

A.much light B.much lighter

Reporter:I heard that.54.______

9. That's up to you to decide. 这由你来决定。

2.The boy ______ very well in that play.

choose的名词 choice和choose的区别

clothes 本身是复数形式,后面动词应用复数。Clothing 是复合名词,衣服的总称,没有复数形式,后面动词应用单数。

C.more interesting D.much interesting

Boy:I guess Jammin 107 FM is the best.



Unit4 What’s the best movie theater?


A.biggest B.the biggest

One day,John read an advertisement in a newspaper.It said,"Wanted.The best salesman in the world."John thought he was a great salesman and went to ask for the job."I'm the best salesman in the world," he said to the manager."Give me the job."

28.At midnight you can see ______ people in the street.Everyone stays at home.

Every day and every day he went from shop to shop,trying to sell the sweets.But he couldn't sell one.The sweets were too bad for him to sell.At the end of the week he went back to the manager."I'm sorry,sir,"he said,"I was wrong about myself.I'm not the best salesman in the world,but I know who is."

34.From this story we can know that______.

30.On the Chinese New Year's Day.What do people usually say to each other when they meet?

Don't laugh at him. 别嘲笑他。

43.My cousin g______ me this picture book yesterday.

B.John was a good seller

C.(3)(1)(2)(4) D.(4)(1)(2)(3)

B.he gave away a thousand boxes of sweets

—That's right.You'd better put on more clothes.

A.he sold a thousand boxes of sweets

C.cheaper D.dear

C.smallest D.the smallest

A.better B.best

Dear Nancy,



18.A.So that B.For example

A.Everybody B.Nobody is

A.That's right B.Oh,no

Boy:Well,I think Oldies 102.1 FM is very bad.53.______

C.the manager was a good seller

1.It has the most comfortable seats. 它有最舒服的座位。

The Chinese New Year is the most important holiday for the Chinese people.For the Chinese,the New Year comes with the first day of the First Moon,between January 21 and February 19.People get ready for the holiday for fifteen days.

8.—Is Yao Ming the best basketball player in China?

17.A.fishing B.skating 

4.Thanks for telling me. 谢谢告诉我。

11.—It's ______colder than it ______yesterday.


19.A.better B.best

C.many D.few


A.the three B.the two

A.beautiful;beautiful B.beautiful;beautifully

31.The manager told John______.

C.much;is D.more;is

A.John didn't get the job

C.won;for D.won;on

5.He ______ the prize ______ the running this year.

Boy:55.______They're worse than the commercials of All Talk 970 AM!


29.The part of the face above the eyes and below the hair is the ______.

A.fast enough B.not enough fast

[拓展] ① close与near都意为"近的",但close比near表达的距离更近,相当于very near,可以近至几乎相接触,而near意为"附近的;邻近的。"例如: My home is near our school.我家离我们学校很近。

He laughs best who laughs last. 谁笑在最后,谁笑得最好。/不要高兴得太早。(与at连用)嘲笑

"You must prove you are the best,"the manager said.

A.Mid-autumn B.the Spring Festival

9.—Which is______,the sun,the moon or the earth?

26."The Chinese New Year" in the passage means "______".

1.—This computer is really cheap.

1. laugh v. & n. 笑

44.In the old days,people lived a p______ life.

—The______,the better.I need money,you know.


Everyone laughed at his foolish antics.


We all laughed loudly when she made a joke. 她说了个笑话,我们都大声笑起来。

People have often laughed at stories told by seamen. 人们常常嘲笑海员所讲的故事。

A.much;was B.more;was

We had a good laugh at his joke. 我们被他的笑话逗得哈哈大笑。

27.It takes about ______ to get ready for the Chinese New Year.

6.Which is ______ season in Beijing? 

A.he could start work at once

点拨1: comfortable 为形容词,意为"舒适的",用来修饰seats。most comfortable 是它的最高级形式,在句中使用时,要在其最高级前加the.点拨2: comfortably 为comfortable的副词,意为"舒服地;舒适地",用来修饰它前面的sit,即副词修饰动词之后,most comfortable 是它的最高级形式。在句中使用时,其最高级前可以加the也可以不加。[拓展]类似的词在本单元还有许多。


All the clothing in the shop is very cheap. 这家店里的衣服很便宜。

F.Just listen to their commercials.

A.lots of B.hundreds of

例如: Do you like living in town or in the city?

D.the advertisement was a good one

"The person who sold you a thousand boxes of the sweets."

例如:The clothes in that shop are expensive. 那家店的衣服贵。

46.It's fun ______(watch) people show their talents.

D.Because it has the most interesting music.


Though he was poor he was happy. 虽然他很穷却很快乐。

A.he was not a good salesman

A.made;on B.got;about

Reporter:What about Oldies 102.1 FM?


"Oh,"said the manager."Who?"

C.No problem D.Good-bye

32.John could get the job if______.

D.he must show he was the best salesman in the world

C.important D.boring

C.Such as D.In fact

C.hospital D.park

20.A.with B.for

Boy:52.______It's much better than the other stations in town.


C.Everybody is D.Everybody are

12.My math teacher is very ______ and she dances very ______.

Reporter:Hi,I'm doing a survey for the BedfordDailyNews. 51.______

C.worse D.worst

G.What's the best radio station?

(4)John went to sell the sweets.

48.The talent shows can give people a way ______(make) dreams come true.

C.half a month D.three weeks

C.not fast enough D.enough fast not


Boy:Not for me.

点拨2:home 在这里为名词,意为"家",包含"爱;温暖;舒适;安全"等意义,通常不用冠词修饰。例如: Home is where the heart is.心在哪里,哪里就是家。

B.the sweets were too bad

Reporter:Why not?

35.John couldn't sell the sweets because______.

C.two D.the twins

(2)John told the manager who the best salesman really was.

C.beautifully;beautiful D.beautifully;beautifully


C.walk D.dinner

D.nobody liked sweets

21.A.school B.restaurant 

3.A car is ______ than a truck.

7.It's always interesting to watch other people show their talents. 观看别人展示他们的天赋总是很有趣。

C.actor D.activity

E.But Easy Listening 979 AM is the most popular.

(1)John went to ask for the job.

15.—It's very kind of you to help me find the house.

C.he wanted to send them to his friends

C.to D.at


C.Christmas Day D.the Dragon(龙)Boat Festival

24.A.the newer B.newer 

You asked about places to go and things to do in our town.The Downtown Mall is always __16__.It's a __17__ place in the oldest part of town.There are some good stores and restaurants there.__18__,Trendy Clothing Store is in Downtown Mall.It's a fun place to shop,and it has the __19__ quality clothes.The shop assistants are friendly __20__ people.My favorite __21__ in town is Nick's Restaurant.It is close to my house.It's cheap and the hamburgers there are great.I like Dragon City Restaurant,__22__.You can eat wonderful noodles there and the beef noodles are the most delicious!You must try the dumplings there,too!But it's more expensive than Nick's.The Big Cinema is the best cinema in town.It has the biggest screens and the most __23__seats.The Del Ray Complex is also a good place to see movies.It doesn't have __24__movies,but the tickets are the cheapest.

Jim said that he would come, he didn't , though.


A.it B.so

C.more light D.more lightest

We did a survey of things that interest young people today.This is what they told us.Most of the cafes in town are good,but The Turk's Delight,the newest cafe to open here,is the most popular.It is also the most expensive,but the coffee is the best and the chairs are the most comfortable.What's more,the music they play in the cafe is the best.

C.dull D.expensive

"OK,I will,"John said.


4.Which subject is ______,physics or chemistry?

5.Which is the worst clothes store in town? 城镇里最差的服装店是哪一家?

The cell phone that everyone wants to buy is the V-Phone.This is the coolest phone around because it is like a computer.It has the most extras.You can take photos,make videos,check your e-mail,and of course,make phone calls.

4. It's always interesting to watch other people show their talents.观看别人展示他们的天赋总是很有趣。

点拨1:此句中best 是good 的最高级形式,其前应加定冠词the。点拨2:in town 在城镇,town前加不加任何冠词或修饰成分。
