参考: In China, yellow also means harvest.
参考:in Chinese culture, yellow is a significant color, which carries a unique symbolic meaning.
我:Yellow in China is also a sign of harvest.
参考 : It embodies rulers’ power and authority in feudal society, where yellow was specifically used for emperors, for example, royal palaces were painted with yellow tint and the imperial robes were yellow. However, average people were not allowed to wear clothes in that color.
我:Yellow in Chinese culture is an important colour, because it owns the distinguished symbolic meaning.
分析: 象征处理为embody, 那时处理为状语从句
我:People are excited for celebrating the harvest.
增词for example
单词tint, average people
④秋天庄稼成熟时,田野变得一片金黄。When the grains grow up in the Autumn, the land becomes a strip of golden yellow.
我:It means rulers&39; power and authority in fedural society. On that time, yellow is an unique colour for the emperor. Royal palaces were all painted into yellow and imperial rob was always yellow. Normal citizens were not allowed to wear yellow clothes.
单词crops ripe Fall wild field
参考: Then people celebrate the good harvest with happiness and gratitude.
wild field are golden every where.
参考:When crops are ripe in Fall,
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