2. to temporarily withdraw from the responsibilities and obligations of everyday life (such as work or home duties)
1. 某人或某物出现在荧幕上(电影或电视剧)的时间
Gender non-conforming
a type of gender confirmation surgery in which a person's breasts are removed or augmented to match their gender identity 为了和性别匹配而切掉乳房或隆胸的性别确认手术
Take, for instance, the word "buzzy." We just used it in the previous paragraph and it felt so natural! So appropriate. And wouldn't you know, it's one of those 640 new words. The most surprising news there is that it wasn't in the dictionary already.
appropriate to, typical of, consistent with, or supportive of a particular brand or public image or identity 与某个特定品牌、公共形象或身份相称、相符合或者支持某品牌的
同样被收录进词典的还有stan。就是we stan that person的stan。不知道这是什么意思?随便问任何一个青少年,他们都能解释给你听。Swole也被收录进去了,这个网络流行语指的是肌肉发达的人。
economic activity that involves the use of temporary or freelance workers to perform jobs typically in the service sector 雇用临时工或自由职业者完成工作的经济活动,通常在服务业
The political catchall "snowflake" has gotten an update. No longer does it just mean "little thing that falls from the sky when it's cold." As anyone who rants about politics on Twitter can tell you, snowflake officially also now means "someone regarded or treated as unique or special" or "someone who is overly sensitive." So, basically, anyone who doesn't agree with you during a Facebook argument.
1. the amount of time someone or something appears on screen in a movie or television show
2. 花在看电视、打游戏或电子设备(智能手机或平板电脑)上的时间
注:stan的意思是“死忠粉”(an extremely or excessively enthusiastic and devoted fan)
Screen time
韦氏词典新增词汇啦!既有看上去很眼熟的Go-cup、Screen time、Unplug、buzzy,也有Top surgery、stan、Gig economy这种让你摸不着头脑的新词。这些词都是近几年的网络流行语,如果你还不了解,那就接着往下看吧!
the final moments or minutes of a game in which one side has an insurmountable lead, substitutes often enter the game in place of starting players, and scoring is typically easier because of looser defensive play 一场比赛的最后几分钟,其中一方已经压倒性领先,替补队员上场换下首发队员,由于防守不严,此时得分通常更容易
Also in the latest class of legitimate words: "stan," as in "we stan that person." Don't know what it means? Ask any given teenager, they'll be able to explain. "Swole" is in there too, a popular internet term for a someone who's muscular.
Merriam-Webster has added 640 new words to the dictionary, and together, they're a pretty good portrait of how we talk to each other online in 2019.
exhibiting behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits that do not correspond with the traits typically associated with one's sex 展现出与性别不相符的行为、文化或心理特征
Gig economy
2. time spent watching television, playing a video game, or using an electronic device with a screen (such as a smartphone or tablet)
1. 暂时克制自己不用电子设备(比如电脑或智能手机)
catchall['k?t?,?l]: n. 术语;笼统语
a plastic or paper cup used especially for taking a beverage off the premises of a bar, restaurant, etc. 让你可以从酒吧、餐厅等场所带走饮料的塑料杯或纸杯
1. to temporarily refrain from using electronic devices (such as computers or smartphones)
Garbage time
"Peak" is another old word with an newly expanded meaning. If you wanted to say, "reading stories about new dictionary entries is peak word-nerd behavior," you would be linguistically correct, by Merriam-Webster's standards.
2. 暂时放下日常生活的责任和义务(比如工作或家务)
Peak这个老词也增加了新词义。如果你说,reading stories about new dictionary entries is peak word-nerd behavior(阅读关于词典新条目的文章是典型的词呆子的行为),根据韦伯词典的标准,你的语法没问题。
Top surgery
注:peak在这里的意思是“正当红的、被大量使用的、最引人注目的”(being at the height of popularity, use, or attention)
中国城市化率 最新我国城市化率
来源:经济日报今年政府工作报告在总结过去5年成绩单时指出,我国常住人口城镇化率从60.2%提高到65.2%,这意味着,两年前中央提出的“十四五”时期常住人口城镇化率提高到65%的发展目标顺利完成。0000全身酸痛是怎么回事 全身酸痛怎么治疗才好
不得不说胡大前编缉,人称胡编,真算是个人物。拿那么一点点区区资金入市炒股,竟然成为了自媒体上持热不衰的话题。不少人关心“胡编”的股票的涨与跌,比自己买的股票涨跌还操心。对“胡编”入市的评论更是如潮。有人说现在不是入市之时,纯属找倒霉头。这些人就巴望着胡大前编辑输了个底朝天,验证一下“不听老人言吃亏在眼前”这个真理。有人说“胡编”滿滿的正能量,是在鼓舞人们对股市的信心。大财经2023-11-22 11:53:240000IEA:欧洲能源市场面临三大威胁 其中一项已迫在眉睫
美东时间周日,国际能源署(IEA)负责人在日本G7峰会间隙接受采访时表示,自俄乌冲突引发能源危机以来,尽管欧洲在减少对俄油依赖、缓解能源危机方面可能已经做得很好,但仍未能摆脱困境。他提到,欧洲近期在能源领域仍面临三大不利因素:中国需求回暖、美国债务违约风险以及对俄罗斯能源的依赖仍存。其中,随着美国债务上限最后期限的临近,违约危机已经迫在眉睫。欧洲已有效缓解能源危机0000芡实的作用与功效 芡实的不适宜人群