

大财经2023-03-22 07:46:090


② I have read the novel______.

7. at the moment 此时,现在

24.ask sb. to do sth .要求某人做某事 ask sb. not to do sth .要求某人不做某事


21. for example 例如

11. a fifteen-year-old boy 一个十五岁的男孩

一般疑问句:Have / Has+主语+动词过去分词+其他


competition [?k?mp??t??n] n. 比赛;竞争

注意:This kind of books is very good.

3. Han Li has been to San Francisco in the USA. 韩力曾经去过美国的旧金山。

dream [dri:m] n. 梦;梦想;[只用于名词前]梦寐以求的

【用法】enter 进入,参加

queen [kwi:n] n. 女王;王后

【例句】He invited some friends to have dinner.

【例句】His parents both work in a hospital.

ago 是副词,“……以前”。它指从此刻起若干时间以前,常与过去时连用。

22. find it +形容词to do sth.发现做某事是……的.

2 .maybe=perhaps大概,也许.放句首.

【用法】all kinds of 各种各样的


33.at the moment 目前,现在

35.have a wonderful time=have a good time ,=enjoy oneself =have fun玩得高兴

5.before 以前. 从过去起的若干时间以前, 距过去某时…以前,常和完成时连用

【例句】He experienced a great adventure.

miss [m?s] v. 惦念;怀念;想念

send [send] v.(sent/sent/, sent) 派遣去;命令……去

prize [pra?z] n. 奖品;奖项

It’s kind of you to invite me to your party.

常用词语already, yet ,ever ,never, just ,before, for + some time ,since,

解题思路:考查副词,问句为现在完成时,可以和完成时连用的副词有ever, yet, never,结合句意可知答案为B。

28.all over the world 遍及世界

He had many interesting experiences while travelling in Africa.

tower [&39;ta??] n. 塔

29.around the world 整个世界

15. send sb to do sth 把某人送去做某事


【例句】She has little experience because she has worked for only one month.

A. has gone B. has been C. went D. goes

32.make up 创造,编造

3)have been in 已经在某地待了多长时间,常与一段时间连用.


【用法】主要用于否定句、疑问句等,常位于助动词或情态动词之后,行为动词之前,意思是 “曾经”“以前”,有时往往有较灵活的译法。

invite [?n&39;va?t] v. 邀请

ever [&39;ev?] adv. 曾经;从来;在任何时候

Please come here before six o’clock.

10.think of 想起,起出,认为 think about 思考,考虑

1. invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事

A. questions B. problems C. question D. problem


way [we?] n. 方面; 态度

Beijing is in the north of China. There are many places of interest there. A lot of people come to visit


1. experience n. 经验(不可数),经历(可数)

Beijing every year. I have been to Beijing twice. I have traveled around Beijing. I have climbed the Great Wall. I have visited the Summer Palace and the Palace Museum. I have also had conversation with foreigners and I have taken lots of photos. It was an interesting experience. I had a good time there. But I haven’t seen the Beijing Opera. It’s a pity. I hope I can visit it again one day.


【例句】There are all kinds of animals in the zoo.

6.go on a holiday .去度假,强调动作. be on a holiday 也表示去度假,强调状态.

【例句】Have you ever been abroad?

Moudle 2知识梳理

16. enter a competition 参加竞赛

count down 倒数;倒计时

2. And Sally has invited me to stay with her in England one day.

18. 1)have been to some place 去过某地(已回) ,后接once ,twice ,three ,times等表次数的词(短语)也可与just ,never ,ever ,连用,但不能与时间连用

9. ask sb to do sth 要去某人做某事

解题思路:① ago常与过去时连用 ② before常与完成时连用

【例句】This coat is too big. Please show me another.

3. problem n. 问题,难题


答案:① ago ② before

the other“两个数量中的另一个”,表示特指,总数为俩;another“总数为三个以上中任意的另一个”,表示泛指。

9.what a pity /That’s a pity .多遗憾啊.


1)take the +表示交通工具的名词,放句中,充当谓语.

ago ,从现在起的若干时间以前 跟今…以前,常用于过去时态中


23.mix up 混淆,拌和,调和 mix with 和…..混合




May I ask you some questions?

enter [&39;ent?] v. (使)参加;(使)报名

【例句】His parents died ten years ago.

【例句】The problem is difficult to solve.

21.be different from ,与… 不同, 其反义:the same as .与…一样.

【考查点】辨析:have / has been to 与 have / has gone to


France [frɑ:ns] n. 法国

12. one of the+形容词最高级+名词复数 最.......之一

Arabic [??r?b?k] n. 阿拉伯语

8. so far 到目前为止

in 用于年月季节,一段时间,以及单独的早中晚,如:in the morning ,in the afternoon ,in the evening ,at用于具体的时刻,几点,及一些固定搭配.




30.the rest of one’s life 某人的余生.

25. the rest of 剩余的

37.from …to 从??到

10. enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事

4.重读,末尾辅元辅,双写这个辅音字母,再加ed ;

[考题链接]They have some ________ about getting there.

ancient [&39;e?n??nt] adj. 古老的;古代的

15.one of +形容词最高级+名词复数,最…的之一,动词用三单形式.

stop to do sth .停下来(正在做的事)去做某事(另一件事)要做

16.send sth .to do sth =send sb. sth 把某物寄给某人.

38.the lack of 缺乏??

—Where is Mrs. Smith?

4.ever 用于疑问句时,其答语如果表示否定,用never 回答.

2. think about 考虑


20.ancient ,古老的,古代的, 反义词:modern ,现在的,当代的

36.what’s more而且

1.直接加ed ; 2.以e 结尾的,加e ; 3.以辅音字母加y 结尾的,变y 为i ,再加ed ;

肯定:主语+have / has+动词过去分词+其他

13.invite sb. to do sth.邀请某人做某事 invite sb. to someplace邀请某人去某地.

3)on /in +限定词+交通工具.,on the bike ,in the car.


2. kind n. 种类;adj. 仁慈的,和善的

problem指说话者认为难以解决的问题,它与动词 solve或settle(解决)搭配。

8.stop doing sth.停止做某事(正在做的事不做了.)不做.

25.ask sb. about sth .询问某人关于某事 ask sb. for sth .向某人要某物


first prize 一等奖

mix [m?ks] v. 相混合;融合

【考查点】辨析:another, the other作代词的用法

I invite her to my house next Sunday.

1.表示某人的经历以及过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响,或结果,常与recently, ever, never, already, yet ,just, before连用;

19. travel around the world 环游世界

23. have a wonderful time 玩得开心

【用法】have / has been to 去过……

—She isn’t here. She ______ to England.

One is a doctor and the other is a nurse.


动词的过去式及过去分词在末尾加ed 规则是:

before 也可以用作副词,表示“……以前”,常与完成时连用。也可放在时间点之前。

A. still B. ever C. yet D. never

king [k??] n. 国王;君王

【例句】I have never been there before.

ask for help 寻求帮助 26.count down 倒数,倒计时

【考查点】辨析:problem 与question

17. 5. the + 姓氏s :……一家人,……夫妇 ,

否定:主语+have / has+not+动词过去分词+其他

39.around the world =all over the world 全世界

1.enter参加,加入;进入,相当于join 或go into

—Yes, I really enjoy it.


v. (dreamed/dri:md/, dreamed; dreamt/dremt/, dreamt)做梦;梦到;梦想

5. come with 和.......一起去

4. ever adv. 永远,曾经,究竟

3.win ,后接war ,match ,game; beat 打败,击败,后跟人. 打败某人,赢得比赛

3)当think about 表示”思考,研究”时,不能用think of .

2)当think of 表示”认为”时, 不能用think about

3.爬过长城,到过颐和园(the Summer Palace)和故宫(the Palace Museum);

否定回答:No, 主语+haven’t / hasn’t.

7.afford 买得起,付得起,常与can ,could ,be able to 连用.

17. write about 编写;写作

write about 编写;写作

5. before prep. 以前;在……之前

Mr. Guo is a teacher of much teaching__________(经验).

14. count down 倒数

34.so far到目前为止,与现在完成连时

2) have gone to 到某地去了,(去了未回).

zoo是什么意思 zoom视频清晰度

19.on ,in at 时间表达的用法:on 用于具休的某一天,及对早中晚进行了修饰后也用on ;

make up 编写;创作

31.good luck好运

肯定回答:Yes, 主语+have / has.

afford [?&39;f?:d] v. (有财力)买得起,付得起

【例句】I haven’t been to the USA yet.

4. stop doing sth 停止做某事



6. another (三个或三个以上当中的)另一个

14.at the moment 此刻,现在,常与一般现在时或现在进行时连用.at that moment 在那时,常与一般过去时连用.


6. the first prize 一等奖

count [ka?nt] v. 数;清点

1. Have you ever entered a competition? 你曾经参加过竞赛吗?


2)by +表示交通工具的名词,by sea /by water/by ship水路 by air /by plane 乘飞机

4)动词+to +地点 动词:walk ,ride ,drive ,fly后接to 接地点.


invite sb. to+地点 邀请某人去某地

① I remember seeing you somewhere 2 years______.

Germany [?d??:m?ni:] n. 德国


22. look forward to doing/sth 期盼;期待

13. be different from 与.......不同

3. make up 编造

move [mu:v] v. 搬家;改变…的位置

27.sth happened to sb .某人发生了某事. sb. happen to do sth .碰巧做某事

20. work for 效力于

01 Moudle 2 单词

24. a pair of 一双

invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事



11. thanks for = thank you for+名词或动词ing 因……而感谢你 Thank you for helping me.

[考题链接]—Have you ______ read the poem?
