Competition between friends usually causes damage to friendship. Do you agree or disagree?
4. 类比法
Unfortunately, offering to give a hand when someone is in need has gone out of style. It used to be a mark of class to give support despite your own financial straits. You didn’t have to empty your purse to help; the point was to show that you really cared and they were not isolated. But with today’s trust crisis, the frequent warning you hear is never to lend money to your friends.
Does playing games or doing sports with their children deserve more time from parents or helping their children with their schoolwork?
Ours has become a society of mortgage slaves. Ten years ago 8000 yuan per square scared many house buyers away. Today 80,000 yuan per square for the house inside the fifth ring road is considered a boon dropping from the sky. And while five years ago, waiting for the house price to decline was still the hope of some wealthy potential buyers, the potential buyer today is increasingly baffled and completely knocked down without seeing a silver line.
1. 举例论证
Full ownership of (a book) comes only when you have made it a part of yourself, and the best way to make it a part of yourself is by writing in it. An illustration may make the point clear. You buy a beefsteak and transfer it from the butcher’s refrigerator to your own. But you do not own the beefsteak in the most important sense until you consume it and get it into your bloodstream. I am arguing that books, too, must be absorbed in your bloodstream to do you any good.
【托福写作高分学好语法词汇和构思 - 】
Certain kinds of competition can indeed be destructive. The danger of competition among friends is particularly acute. I recall from my childhood two close friends, who came to school together and played basketball together. Once a fierce competition between two basketball teams led by both of the two friends tied at the last moment, and one contentious 3-point shot helped one team win but ended their friendship. They have never talked with each other, even meeting face to face.
2. 因果论证
Deep insight can be gained only when you engage yourself into the event. An illustration may make the point clear. You wander around the city wondering how spacious room and luxury decoration are hiding behind the bright light cast from every window. But you don’t know detailed display and the comfort until you possess one big house and decorate it out of you own will. I am arguing that deep understanding, too, must be obtained when you get into the room and take part in the design of its layout by yourself.
For one thing, students need to do more sports or outdoor activities to maintain physical and mental health. Under heavy pressure caused by various exams, the students need to get released from the great tension. The reports about some children who couldn’t stand the failure of the exams or the criticisms from teachers and committed suicide are the tragedies which reflect the seriousness of the problems. Therefore, more and more parents have come to realize that spending time with their children to ensure their healthy and happy growth is much more important.
3. 对比分析
山东省青岛市黄岛二手房1月跌幅最大的是位于长江东路190号的尚品居(商住楼),环比上月下跌38.80%;涨幅最大的是位于罗浮山路228号的恒大金沙滩(商业别墅),环比上月上涨32.05%;人气最高的是位于滨海大道1399号的保利海上罗兰,均价10813元/㎡。1、尚品居(商住楼):8756元/㎡,下跌-38.80%,位置:黄岛-薛家岛-长江东路190号大财经2024-01-12 11:52:0900076挑拨离间是什么意思 挑拨离间的话是什么
(报告出品方/分析师:财通证券刘洋李跃博)1.1中端酒店领跑者,内延外购拓展成长边界公司为酒店业领军者,依托行业红利快速成长。2005年创建经济型品牌“汉庭”,实现标准化扩张,并于2010年纳斯达克上市。2010-2019年,以核心自有品牌全季和并购品牌星程、桔子进行中端升级,先发优势明确。2019年底提出“千城万店”目标,中高端化与下沉三四线战略并举。大财经2023-10-02 11:52:560000市场憧憬欧佩克将进一步减产,国际油价上涨国内汽柴油或小幅跟涨
原油方面:表一国际原油价格单位:美元/桶沙特可能将额外减产进一步延期至明年,供应端利好预期仍存,国际油价继续上涨。国际原油收盘上涨:NYMEX原油期货12合约77.60涨1.71美元/桶或2.25%;ICE布油期货01合约82.32涨1.71美元/桶或2.12%。中国INE原油期货主力合约2401涨3.9至578.4元/桶,夜盘涨17.8至596.2元/桶。国内成品油市场:大财经2023-11-21 17:25:460000社保关系跨省转移,要换卡吗?人社部明确→
社保卡由各地人社部门组织实施发行和应用工作技术标准全国统一社会保障号码、姓名等关键信息可以实现全国通读在2016年启动的全国跨省异地就医持卡直接结算应用中,已实现社保卡全国通用。2021年底已实现社保卡申领、启用、补换、临时挂失等服务事项的跨省通办。社保卡的应用与社会保险统筹层次、相关应用系统的覆盖范围等密切相关大财经2023-05-06 20:14:130000