另外,what for还有表示惩罚,责备的意思
The boss is quick to give you the what for if you make even a minor mistake.
&34;I don&39;t think I&39;ll be able to go swimming tomorrow.&34; &34;How come?&34;
Eg: Call you? What for? You never answer!
Eg: My grandmother wouldn&39;t hesitate to give me what for when my parents weren&39;t around.
Eg: How is it that he got the job and I didn&39;t?
how is it that you are still here?
A: &34;You&39;re both in deep trouble.&34; B: &34;What for? We didn&39;t do anything.&34;
Eg: What&39;s the point of talking to you? You never listen!
What&39;s the point of studying math in school anyway? No one ever uses it in real life
Eg: Can someone tell me the reason we use the present perfect here?
Eg: So how come you got an invitation and not me?
核酸48小时按哪个时间 核酸48小时怎么计算
大财经2023-12-04 13:15:300000安徽安庆:暴雨袭来城市内涝 消防人员紧急救援
(央视财经《天下财经》)昨天(5月27日),安徽省安庆市区遭遇强降雨,6小时降水量达137.9毫米,部分路段出现短时积水内涝,有车辆和人员被困,当地相关部门启动应急预案展开救援。27日上午,安庆市区一小区居民楼由于地势低洼,一楼房屋内积水,一名老人不慎摔倒,导致腿部受伤,无法行动。接警后,消防救援人员迅速赶往现场,将受伤老人从积水屋内转移至安全地带。大财经2023-06-01 05:56:470005