

大财经2023-03-23 12:37:250

All that he lacked was training. 他缺乏的是训练。


在句型变换时,肯定句用some,否定句和一般疑问句用any. There are some people in front of the supermarket. 超市前有一些人。

each 表示两个及以上的“每一个”、“每一”;可以独立使用,与of搭配。every 表示三个及以上的“每一个”、“每一”;不能独立使用,不与of搭配。

There is much water in the river since it has rained for a few days. 因为下了几天雨,河里的有许多水了。

Shanghai is an amazing city and I have been lived here for two weeks, and I &39;d like to stay for anther three days. 上海是魅力之城,我在这生活了两周了,我想再待3天。(在已有两周的基础上,再停留3天)

We each look forward to seeing Wang Yanping in Dongfeng. 我们每个人都期待着在东风见到王亚平。(做同位语)

-- Would you like some more tea ? -- Okay, a little. -- 再来点茶吧?-- 好的,再来一点儿吧。

We don&39;t need to take a taxi to the station since we still have a little time. 既然我们还有一点儿时间,我们就不需要乘出租车去车站了。

Although it&39;s dark outside, there are a few people walking in the Nature Park. 尽管天黑了,自然公园里还是有几个人在散步。

Both of my friends have been to Beijing. 我的两个朋友都去过北京。(只表示两个朋友)

Our teacher gave each of us an apple. 我们老师给了我们每个人一个苹果。(做宾语)

Each teacher has a separate office. 每个老师都有一间单独的办公室。(做定语)

Neither of my parents is a doctor. (单数含义,用is)

There are a lot of books in the classroom and you can read any of them. 教室里有许多书,你可以阅读任何一本。

There aren&39;t any people in front of the supermarket. 超市前一个人也没有。


There are beautiful flowers on neither side of the road. (side, 单数形式)

Would you like some juice ? Sure, thanks. 你想喝点儿牛奶吗?好的,谢谢!

Much of the grass has been eaten by the sheep. 许多草让羊吃了。

another + 基数词+名词(一般多用复数)表示原来的基础上,还需要再加一个数量的...

3)one ... another.... 三个以上中的&34;一个... , 另一个...。&34;

both与either, neither对数量的要求是相同的。都是两个。只不过both表达复数的含义,而either \ neither表达单数的含义。There are beautiful flowers on both sides of the road. (sides,复数形式)

This plan is quite hard to finish in time, we need another five people to do it. 这个计划很难及时完成,我们还再需要5个人才能完成它。(在原有人数的基础上,再加5人)

四、all, both

-- Have you got some fruits at the party ? -- Yes, many. 你们在聚会上有水果吗?是的,许多呢。

There are a number of supermarkets on every side of the street. (这是错句。街道只有两侧,不能用every。)

all做主语表示“每件事”、“整个事物”时,单数含义。All goes well. 一切进行得很好。

-- How about this sweater ? -- I don&39;t want this one, would you please show me anther one ? -- 这件毛衣如何?-- 我不想要这一件,请你再给我拿另一件吧?

every 只能做定语,修饰单数可数名词。Every student has been offered a bag of presents at school. 学校给每个学生提供了一袋子礼物。

There are a number of supermarkets on each side of the street. 街道的两侧有许多超市。

六、other, another,others, the other, the others

八、much, many 许多

2)some ..., some ..., others ... 一些 ... , 一些... , 其它的...

each位置比较灵活,可作主语、宾语、定语或同位语。做主语时是单数意义。Each of us has got something special to say. 我们每个人都有特别的事说一说。 (做主语)

1)one ... , the other... 两个中的 &34;一个...,另一个... &34;

others和the others这两个有s的,相当于名词性物主代词,后面不能再跟名词,必须单独用。

五、each, every

Either of my friends has been to Beijing. 我的两个朋友任何一个都去过北京。(只表示两个朋友)

这个搭配 = 基数词+more+名词 主要考这两个组合的词序。

Are there any people in front of the supermarket? 超市前有人吗?

There are hundreds of people in the park. some are walking, some are running and others are singing and dancing. 公园时有几百人,一些在散步,一些在跑步,其它的在唱歌跳舞。(注意理解:some的数量不确定,那么就导致了others的数量也不确定)

这两个词只需要记住一点就可以了:much 修饰不可数,many修饰可数。它们也可以单独使用。

All of my parents are doctors. (这句话不对,all的用法不对。)All of my friends have been to Beijing. 我的所有朋友都去过北京。(三个及以上的朋友)

Both of my parents are doctors. (复数含义,用are)

little, a little 用于修饰不可数;few, a few 用于修饰可数名词复数。little, few 表示否定,“没有多少...,没有几个...”;a little, a few表示肯定,“有一点儿,有几个”。这几个不定代词也可以单独使用。

Since it&39;s dark outside, there are few people in the main street in Dongfeng. 外面黑了,在东风的主要街道上没有几个人了。

Hurry! There is little time left for class. 快点!上课没有多少时间了。


They bought many books last week. 他们上周买了许多书。

Either of my parents is a doctor. (单数含义,用is)

七、little, a little; few, a few

九、some, any

正常情况下,some也可用于一般疑问句,希望得到对方肯定回答。尤其是Would you like ... ? 问句中。


the other和the others这两个有the的,因为有了定冠词修饰,就表示特指,尤其是范围的确定。

I have got two brothers, one is a doctor and the other is a farmer. 我有两个哥哥,一个是医生,另一个是农民。(注意理解:尽管数量确定了,但范围没有确定,哪个是医生哪个是农民还是不知道。)

There are beautiful flowers on either side of the road.(side, 单数形式)



Neither of my friends has been to Beijing. 我的两个朋友任何一个都没有去过北京。(只表示两个朋友)
